Image of - L’arbre de Judée et Genista

L’arbre de Judée et Genista

70cm x 100cm / 28in x 39in
Oil on Linen
This painting was painted in the Mediterranean Garden part of Bagatelle. It was my first venture into what I call “Composite Composition”, meaning that I put two different sites into one painting because I couldn’t find the natural composition I wanted in the garden. I moved the easel three times during the painting sessions, looking for different views of the two plants. The result is a yellow bleeding background suggesting the Genista that hang in weightless grape-like forms against a bright light blue sky. The flowering Judea Tree in magenta gave the perfect stark contrast cast over the floating aerial background. I knew the subject would be ephemeral, but did not expect to see all the blooms disappear within three days!